From apartment buildings to laundromats, countless Miami businesses rely on laundry services for income. When it comes time to invest in new machines, choose ones that meet the demands of your customers and benefit your business.

Miami businesses can take advantage of advanced commercial laundry machines for sale from reliable providers. Not only can you purchase high-capacity, durable machines that are energy-efficient, but you can invest in modern equipment with innovative payment methods. Miami businesses do not have to focus on one feature for their new commercial laundry machines. When you partner with the right provider, you can find a line of equipment that meets all of your needs.

Since 1955, Fowler has paired Miami businesses with advanced commercial laundry machines. Our team can help you lease or purchase new equipment, and redesign your laundry room to work better for your business. Visit our website today for more information about the Miami commercial laundry machine providers at Fowler Laundry Solutions.

Commercial Laundry Machines with Innovative Payment for Sale in Miami

All laundry businesses in Miami need advanced commercial laundry machines that offer convenience to customers. By investing in commercial laundry machines equipped with traditional and digital payment methods, you can appeal to a wide variety of customers.

Traditional Payment Methods

Some of your Miami business’ customers may be more comfortable with traditional payment methods for laundry services. Miami providers like Fowler Laundry Solutions offer commercial laundry equipment that is compatible with coin payment and equipped with modern features. Although coin payment may seem like a thing of the past, some customers or tenants may prefer to have the option when using your services.

Digital Payment Methods

Advanced digital payment options offer convenience to customers or tenants. In our increasingly digital world, having touchless payment appeals to a large demographic of customers in Miami. Advanced commercial laundry equipment is compatible with the PayRange app, which allows customers to pay for your services digitally. Not only is this convenient for customers or tenants who do not have loose change on hand, but it also streamlines your revenue.

High-Capacity Commercial Laundry Machines for Sale in Miami

Miami laundry businesses can benefit from high-capacity machines. Having a line of commercial laundry equipment that can withstand large loads of garments frees up space for multiple customers to use your services at once. Although high-capacity machines may be larger than other commercial laundry equipment, there are stackable options that keep your Miami commercial laundry room spacious and orderly.

High-capacity commercial laundry machines meet the demands of apartment complexes and laundromats in Miami. Modern LG and Continental Girbau models from Fowler are designed to handle substantial loads of laundry without hindering wash quality. These machines are also compatible with stackable dryers that can sit on top of your washers, freeing up space. This is ideal for Miami businesses with a large customer base and apartment complexes with many tenants.

High-capacity commercial laundry machines for sale in Miami can streamline your laundry operations and increase customer satisfaction. Although these machines can properly clean large loads of laundry, they do not take excessive time to do so.

Long-Lasting Commercial Laundry Machines for Sale in Miami

If your Miami business relies on effective laundry services to thrive, the last thing you need is for your equipment to break. Long-lasting commercial laundry machines for sale in Miami are strong and durable, designed to need fewer repairs. If an issue arises, your Miami provider should value its clients enough to respond quickly.

Durable commercial laundry machines are essential for any Miami laundry business. LG and Continental Girbau commercial laundry machines are long-lasting, able to withstand years of use without needing constant repairs. The parts used to create these machines are durable and strong, so your tenants or customers can use them frequently without causing damage.

If there is a problem with one of your Miami business’s long-lasting commercial laundry machines, your provider should be responsive. For example, Fowler’s Miami clients have access to the Fowler Service Guarantee and the Fowler Replacement Guarantee, which promise that a technician will be onsite to address problems within 24 hours of a request.

Unavoidable issues or complications can arise despite investing in long-lasting commercial laundry machines for your Miami business. When that happens, your provider should be eager to assist you with any service or replacement needs.

Energy-Efficient Commercial Laundry Machines for Sale in Miami

Miami businesses can benefit from cutting costs wherever possible. If your business profits from its laundry services, that means you may also spend a considerable amount of money on utility costs each month. By investing in energy-efficient commercial laundry machines for your Miami business, you can considerably reduce your utility spending, thus increasing your revenue.

Energy-efficient commercial laundry machines for sale in Miami require significantly less water and electricity per load than other equipment. Fowler’s line of Energy Star-certified machines uses just 14 gallons of water, whereas other commercial laundry machines use 20. In addition, less energy is required each cycle. The result is a reduced monthly utility bill that your Miami business can benefit from.

Not only are energy-efficient commercial laundry machines good for your wallet, but they can also attract customers. Your Miami customers or tenants may positively respond to your use of environmentally-friendly equipment. That can increase your client base and encourage tenants to use your services more frequently.

Accessible Solutions for Commercial Laundry Machines in Miami

Miami businesses deserve access to commercial laundry machines that impress customers and help achieve success. That is why providers like Fowler prioritize offering accessible solutions to clients, ranging from transparent leasing models to a complete laundry room redesign.

Miami clients can lease advanced commercial laundry machines with a responsible provider like Fowler. You can gain access to top-of-the-line commercial laundry machines at a reasonable rate by leasing your equipment.

Commercial laundry businesses can also purchase a new line of machines, revamping their laundry services. Miami laundry businesses can opt for a turnkey solution to go the extra mile to appeal to customers. This entails a total redesign of your laundry room, complete with new machines and attractive amenities.

Miami Commercial Laundry Machines for Sale from Fowler

When purchasing new commercial laundry machines for your Miami business, choose a provider that is dedicated to innovation and efficiency. Learn more about the Miami commercial laundry machine providers at Fowler Laundry Solutions by visiting our website today.

What People Are Saying
"Fowler has met and exceeded our expections. The initial installation went smoothly incurring no overtime charge."
—Margret Quinn, Director of Procurement & Contracting Stockton College
"The products and services provided by Fowler are top notch. I can’t say enough about their professionalism, work ethic and attentiveness."
—Alison Phillips, Vice President – Multifamily and Commercial FirstService, Residential
"I highly recommend Fowler if you are looking for an attentive group to really work with your university, and actually care about the satisfaction of your students."
—Julie Ann Liss, Assistant Director of Residential Life for Housing Operations, Fordham University
"Through our 22-year relationship, your company has excelled in the three different markets, Multi-family, OPL and Vended Laundries and has been awarded our prestigious distributor of the year award more than any other distributor."
—Edward Ziegler, Eastern Regional Sales Manager, Girbau North America
"Fowler Laundry’s service is excellent, if I place a service call, they almost always dispatch within the day. They are transparent, seamless and easy to work with."
—Daniel Santiago, Senior Facilities Manager at WeLive
"Fowler provided modern, attractive front-end loaders that have proven very popular with our residents. It also has resulted in greater use of the laundry facilities and more income for the Housing Authority."
—Stephen J. O'Rourke, Executive Director West Warwick Housing Authority
"For a third year in a row your company ranked as the leader in LG Commercial Sales for route and we could not be happier with your commitment to us."
—Gustavo Gutierrez, National Sales Manager LG Commercial Laundry and Builder