Dallas Managed Laundry Services for Apartment Buildings

If you own or manage an apartment complex in Dallas, providing managed laundry services to tenants can allow you to increase revenue and tenant retention.

Having a centralized location for tenants to do their laundry can generate more income for landlords in Dallas than providing in-unit laundry machines can. When organizing your managed laundry room, our designers can add stackable, energy-efficient, and durable machines that meet your tenants’ needs with ease. Providing machines capable of accepting digital payment systems can make laundry services more accessible to tenants in Dallas. If a maintenance concern arises, landlords can request a service call from Fowler to receive assistance from our technicians within as little as 24 hours.

To learn more about the benefits of managed laundry services for apartment buildings in Dallas, go to Fowler’s website today.

Managed Laundry Services vs. in-Unit Laundry Machines for Dallas Apartment Buildings

There are many benefits to having centralized managed laundry services for apartments versus providing in-unit laundry machines. The major benefit is the ability to monetize access to laundry services.

By providing additional amenities to tenants, apartment building owners in Dallas can increase revenue. In-unit washers and dryers do not provide income for apartments. Instead, they can be somewhat of a liability considering management has little control over how tenants use in-unit washing machines.

With centralized managed laundry systems, the opposite is the case. Landlords can charge a fee per washing and drying cycle and earn revenue as tenants use an apartment complex’s laundry services. The convenience factor of having a laundry room onsite can convince tenants to utilize your apartment complex’s services over those of a nearby laundromat.

Having one laundry room within your apartment building in Dallas also allows you to have more oversight. Management can add security cameras to laundry rooms in apartment buildings to more easily identify equipment misuse. Being able to monitor equipment also allows you to administer routine maintenance check-ups and address problems with machines as soon as they arise in Dallas.

How to Organize Managed Laundry Rooms in Dallas Apartment Buildings

Proper organization of the laundry room in an apartment complex is important so that it works optimally for tenants in Dallas. A great way to do this is by purchasing stackable equipment.

Our large-capacity stackable laundry machines can allow apartment buildings to save on floor space while providing access to enough machines to satisfy the needs of tenants. When you choose Fowler’s turnkey solution, our designers can draw up a floor plan that optimizes the space available in your laundry room, using each inch to its fullest potential.

It might benefit you to design a laundry room that appeals to tenants by incorporating attractive amenities and comfortable seating. You can create a space that tenants enjoy using and are encouraged to hang out in while their laundry is being done so that loads are not left unattended to in machines, minimizing inconvenience to other tenants.

When contemplating organization, it is important to consider which machines you will use to support your managed laundry systems. Fowler offers a wide variety of equipment to apartment buildings in Dallas, including energy-efficient machines and long-lasting washing and drying machines. Such features can allow landlords to reduce unnecessary spending on utility bills and lower the chance of machine degradation due to long-term tenant use in Dallas.

Accessible Payment Solutions and Managed Laundry Services for Dallas Apartment Buildings

To increase convenience for your tenants in Dallas, you might consider the benefits of purchasing equipment that is compatible with touchless payment methods. In addition to accessible payment solutions for apartment building tenants, Fowler provides transparent rental solutions to landlords.

Our technologically-advanced laundry equipment can be paired with the PayRange application. When downloaded on a smartphone, the PayRange app lets tenants pay for a load of laundry digitally. Tenants can upload their credit or debit card information to the app so that payment is simple each time.

This innovative feature also cuts down landlord involvement in the day-to-day happenings of an apartment building’s managed laundry systems. You will no longer have to visit your laundry room daily to collect coins from machines. Instead, you can simply see revenue added to your bank account at the end of each collection period.

If you want to make your laundry services accessible to all tenants of your Dallas apartment building, you can provide both coin and digital payment methods via our multi-faceted machines.

Tenants are not the only ones who may appreciate accessible purchasing options. Because of that, Fowler offers transparent rental agreements to apartment complex owners and managers in Dallas. With one flat rate, leasing clients in Dallas can rent advanced washing and drying machines and gain access to high-quality repair and maintenance services from Fowler. The same equipment available for purchase is also available for rent, allowing you to choose the best washers and dryers for your apartment complex if you wish to lease machines.

How to Handle Complications with Your Apartment Building’s Managed Laundry Services in Dallas

If equipment breaks down or tenants report problems with laundry machines, landlords can call our technicians to receive fast maintenance calls in Dallas.

Our team has been honoring the Fowler Service and Fowler Replacement Guarantees to clients for many decades. These promises include a 24-hour response from technicians after clients place a service request.

During a service call, our mechanics will evaluate your equipment to get to the root of the problem. If machines are fixable, they will be repaired. If they are broken, they will be replaced. The Fowler Replacement Guarantee and the Fowler Service Guarantee are honored all year round, meaning you can place a maintenance request at any time.

Purchase or Lease Commercial Laundry Equipment in Dallas Today

To learn more about managed laundry services for apartment buildings, go to Fowler’s website today.

