Throughout the City of Brotherly Love, there are residents, guests, and customers in need of a way to do their laundry – an essential service provided by businesses throughout Philadelphia. For these companies, having commercial laundry machines that they and their users can rely on is key, just as it is for businesses that must handle a high volume of laundry to continue their operations, such as hospitals or hotels.

With offerings informed by three generations of experience in the laundry industry, Fowler Laundry Solutions stands poised to provide some of the best commercial laundry machines for sale in Philadelphia. Our team can offer reliable, efficient washers and dryers that meet the needs of your business, whatever they may be. To learn more about all our products and services, visit Fowler online or call (800) 334-1824 to speak with a representative today.

Commercial Laundry Equipment for Sale to Philadelphia Apartment Buildings

In Philadelphia and elsewhere, tenants in apartment buildings generally expect to be able to do their laundry with relative ease, making the quality of a building’s laundry facility a major sticking point for current and future residents. To meet that need, Fowler provides a wide variety of washers and dryers that are built to last, complete with payment systems – including contactless, app-based options – that will generate revenue for owners without inconveniencing users.

If your focus is on finding more affordable commercial laundry machines for sale in Philadelphia, know that Fowler also carries used washers and dryers, including a number of Maytag models that can be equipped with coin- or card-based systems. To minimize downtime, Fowler offers optional service contracts with each purchase, allowing you to secure year-round service calls when needed to fix any machine. Our qualified technicians can be out to your Philadelphia apartment building within 24 hours of a problem, and if a machine has a serious issue, we’ll replace it for free under the Fowler Service Guarantee.

Commercial Laundry Machines Available for Philadelphia Laundromats

Thanks to our standing as the top distributor of Continental Girbau and LG Commercial Laundry machines in the country, Fowler can offer top-of-the-line washers and dryers to laundromats throughout Philadelphia. As their Energy Star ratings show, each brand creates efficient laundry equipment that can bring savings to owners by reducing utility costs, and by shrinking your environmental footprint, we can help your business go green.

Every commercial laundry machine we have for sale in Philadelphia features a durable design and sturdy components, increasing uptime for a more dependable laundry experience. LG washers and dryers, for instance, come with the company’s Inverter Direct Drive feature, in which belts and pulleys are discarded in favor of a motor that’s attached directly to the drum of the machine. This reduction in the number of moving parts makes malfunctions less likely, and it limits vibrations for a quieter environment overall.

On-Premises Laundry Machines for Sale to Businesses in Philadelphia

If your business requires that your staff clean large amounts of linens each day, then the on-premises laundry equipment for sale from Fowler may be the solution you’re looking for. Not only do our washers and dryers help to reduce costs by using less water and electricity, but these commercial laundry machines can also boost productivity by increasing throughput and speeding up the laundry process.

Continental Girbau laundry equipment is especially effective for this, as many of their washers and dryers are built with large load capacities, and their stainless steel designs can stand up to frequent use while resisting corrosion. Some Continental Girbau models also boast extract speeds as high as 200 G’s, wringing more water out of each load, so less drying is required.

Should you choose to partner with Fowler, our professionals can handle the delivery, installation, and programming of your new commercial laundry machines, and we’ll provide warranty service as well. Those who don’t have in-house service staff can also minimize downtime with a Fowler service agreement, which grants access to local certified technicians who can be on-site to effect repairs within 24 hours of a problem.

Commercial Laundry Machines for Colleges and Universities in Philadelphia

Our extensive experience working with major colleges and universities allows the team at Fowler to provide custom laundry solutions to our clients in higher education. If you purchase some of our commercial laundry machines for sale in Philadelphia, we can incorporate the equipment into your existing systems, allowing students to pay for their laundry using their ID cards or a smartphone app and report malfunctions online or over the phone.

Schools with large athletic facilities can also choose to purchase on-premises laundry machines that can clean large volumes of laundry quickly and efficiently, reducing the time and expense of maintaining towels, uniforms, and other essential items. In addition, we can set up service calls in cooperation with the maintenance department at your college or university, creating a fully integrated laundry experience that benefits students and operators alike.

Top-Tier Commercial Laundry Machines Available for Sale in Philadelphia

When searching for reliable, efficient commercial laundry machines for sale in Philadelphia, look no further than the myriad offerings available from Fowler Laundry Solutions. Our team will work with your business to ensure you get the exact laundry experience you’re seeking, whether it’s for an apartment complex, laundromat, college, hotel, or any other business. Let the experts at Fowler put our 70 years of experience to work for you; contact us today by visiting Fowler online or calling (800) 334-1824.

What People Are Saying
"Fowler has met and exceeded our expections. The initial installation went smoothly incurring no overtime charge."
—Margret Quinn, Director of Procurement & Contracting Stockton College
"The products and services provided by Fowler are top notch. I can’t say enough about their professionalism, work ethic and attentiveness."
—Alison Phillips, Vice President – Multifamily and Commercial FirstService, Residential
"I highly recommend Fowler if you are looking for an attentive group to really work with your university, and actually care about the satisfaction of your students."
—Julie Ann Liss, Assistant Director of Residential Life for Housing Operations, Fordham University
"Through our 22-year relationship, your company has excelled in the three different markets, Multi-family, OPL and Vended Laundries and has been awarded our prestigious distributor of the year award more than any other distributor."
—Edward Ziegler, Eastern Regional Sales Manager, Girbau North America
"Fowler Laundry’s service is excellent, if I place a service call, they almost always dispatch within the day. They are transparent, seamless and easy to work with."
—Daniel Santiago, Senior Facilities Manager at WeLive
"Fowler provided modern, attractive front-end loaders that have proven very popular with our residents. It also has resulted in greater use of the laundry facilities and more income for the Housing Authority."
—Stephen J. O'Rourke, Executive Director West Warwick Housing Authority
"For a third year in a row your company ranked as the leader in LG Commercial Sales for route and we could not be happier with your commitment to us."
—Gustavo Gutierrez, National Sales Manager LG Commercial Laundry and Builder